b' TheNP SIMS dressing should only be applied, changed, and removed by a health care practitioner, following clinical practices for minimizing transmission of infectious agents. Patient size and weight should be considered when prescribing this therapy. TheNP SIMS has not been studied for pediatric use. Do not use with heating pads or other heat therapy.CAUTIONS UseNP SIMS only with Instructions for Use (IFU) supplied with device. Oil/Creams - do not use with oil-based petrolatum at site of application as it may compromise establishing an effective dressing seal.Do not disassemble or modify vacuum chamber . Do not cut dressing as this may prevent the dressing fromcreating an adequate negative pressure seal.Do not place an occlusive or opaque cover over the dressing as this may impact ability to inspect dressing. It may also limit the moisture evaporation through the dressing.High temperatures and humidity may reduce dressing wear time.Low temperatures may effect adhesion of dressing to the skin. Do not disconnect vacuum chamber from dressing.The vacuum chamber is a one-time use component and cannot be reactivated once disconnected.NP SIMS Health Care Practitioner Instructions for Use (IFU)5'